Tuition and Financial Aid

Affiliated Rate for 2016-17
Every Catholic family must be affiliated with a home parish in order to receive this rate. In order to be affiliated with your home parish you must return the Parish affiliation form signed and stamped by the pastor of the parish to the academy office by July 1st. It is the responsibility of the family to hand in this form. It is not the responsibility of the academy to get this form signed.

Affiliated means that you are registered and attending mass in a Catholic Church. You participate in the life of the parish and financially support the parish by giving a weekly envelope.

– 1 child $4000
– 2 children $6100
– 3 children $7200

Non-Affiliated Rate for 2016-17
This rate is for families who are non- Catholic or not affiliated. Not affiliated are Catholic families who are not registered and supporting a Catholic parish.

– 1 child $5400
– 2 children $7900
– 3 children $8750

Tuition Assistance for 2016-17
TADS Financial Aid Assessment Service has been selected by Futures in Education to conduct fair and confidential financial need assessments for families that may need assistance paying tuition. The deadline for completed applications is April 22, 2016. Completed applications (i.e., includes all supporting documents) received on or before this date may be considered for the maximum award amount. Additional requirements can be found on the online application.

To apply, go to, click on Apply for Scholarships. Please note there is a non-refundable $25 application processing fee payable by credit card, check or money order. There is a $10 insufficient funds fee for bounced checks. *If you are reapplying, please use your TADS login from the previous year.

For help, please call 800-477-8237, join a live chat at, or email [email protected]. Hours are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.